WL21 Legacy Player Awards!

It is time to break hearts and make history, player awards for the WL21 Legacy Division!

For these awards we will be doing it the same way we did the Rookie Awards, me and Dhmon pooled our brains to determine the best candidates for the main categories, and highlighted the stats we felt best represented that award. Then for the fun ones we show some stats but mostly went off guts, and we got lots of guys let me tell ya!

First up is best tank, where we look at the overall glory stats of each player. Superficial naysayers be darned, we like big numbers here folks!

Next up is Best Hybrid, where we consider things like stops, goals, and killing power. This is a tricky category to quantify but we also looked for sword users and those we consider to be clutch when the situation demands it!

The Best Runner category is hotly contested as we had quite a few dedicated runners this season. Highlighting goals per game and average life are the obvious ones, but we also felt overall team KD was an important consideration. It is easy to score when your team does a lot of the work, and great runner makes it happen on their own sometimes!

This is another one that takes a lot of deliberation. Best Defender is particularly tricky but the obvious things to consider are stops and Average life. Killing the runner mid court is the bozos job, staying alive on the pad holding the other team and bay and securing the stop is what makes a true defender.

The most coveted award of them all, the MVP. For this we looked at individual KD but also considered the contribution to the entire team effort. A players ability to weather the storm in uncertain conditions, turning lemons to lemonade, is what makes an MVP. For those wondering Team KD sans means without the specified player in the mix, and we did not allow teams that did not make playoffs to be considered.

And we close out with the most tantalizing of awards, the fun ones! Some have write its, some have stats, please vote for me, nkot, your friend!

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